High School
PHAA’s high school is vibrant and dynamic. Students are constantly in contact with dedicated teachers and students from all four grades. No class is restricted to a certain group, and some students have the opportunity to take more advanced classes. Within each class, there is the freedom of individuality and personal ambition. Teachers recognize and nurture students who show an interest in working hard. Teachers will work with students who need extra assistance with work or other problems. Many social events are planned throughout the year, starting with a Get Acquainted outing, many banquets, and weekly chapels. Seniors end their year strong with their own senior trip, a last bonding experience to remember, and the graduation weekend.
Leadership and student involvement are strongly encouraged at PHAA. There is a thriving Student Association led exclusively by high school students. During the school year, the SA plans the Get Acquainted Day outing, banquets, and other social activities. Students interested in leading their peers will find a welcoming environment for their skills. The school yearbook is student-run and is growing in size and popularity.
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